Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Everything is Illuminated ...

Everything is Illuminated …
Just got here, unpacking and doing everything that you normally do when you move.  Checking everything, and during this process of checking, I go to verify the schedule of my classes, for which I’m very exited.  For my surprise the classes start this weekend and not the one after like I thought.  I need a place to stay near the school, I look at the list of places to stay provided by the school, pick one and call.  My new friend, Marta, answered she said that the room was available, a shared room with a girl form Tenerife, Cora, my other new friend and Rafa, we were all together under the same roof, I love my new friends.  Now quickly packing had lunch and to my adventure, “a por ellos”.
The school is beautiful, with plenty of space, areas divided, the energy is amazing is like being transported to a parallel world, I felt, harmony, peace and happiness.  Got just in time few minutes to get settled, feel and experience the ambiance, it was splendid.  

The conference started, the theme: Evolution of Consciousness
The instant that it is started everyone is hypnotized with his voice and knowledge.  Is a flow of energy and knowledge that is absorbed like by osmosis into you and inhabits in you.  With a theme so complex like this one, he starts simple and low to get everyone and then we altogether evolve and acquire the information we need.  Starting with the meaning of evolution that is a process that contains all the possibilities (definition I never thought of but is true and it is applied really well) and that education should be like that and toward freedom from the knowledge and the development of identity.  Every teacher has to have certain qualities: have plenty of Fantasy to promote creative thoughts in the students, a teacher can’t get “dry” in the spirit or “grouchy” in order to be in synchrony with the student spirit that is usually very high and always have the courage and the will of the truth, to obtain the trust of the student and be able to create the process of learning together. 

In the same way that the universe, the solar system, the earth, the body of every being evolves through time also its consciousness and all that it is contain within every one of us.  A different type of knowledge and consciousness waiting to be awakened, to uncover our eyes and see the world under a new perspective, with new eyes and senses to experience living in a new way.  With this new consciousness and my intention, new questions arise.  When I started to become Me? What is my mission in life? What are my ideas of the future? What is the will for and of my life?

We are drawn by and into the future, but it might scare a little, the unknown sometimes can create this effect.  But all we have to do is get a few steps back to prepare, get all that we might need and jump into the future, evolve, grow.  In the same way that our body evolves so it does our consciousness and soul, complementing every living being.  The teacher have to know and understand this in order to teach to the students what they are ready to learn, accept and that it is related to his point of evolution in order to identify with it and learn it.
After three days of total and complete evolution, I’m able to understand many things that I have felt but did not understand.  Now that this veil has being removed, when my supra sensible senses have been awakened, Everything was Illuminated, Everything stay Illuminated, Everything is Illuminated…

New Air...

New Air …
I have arrived.  Indeed, I finally made it, I am where a couple of decades declared and stated that I wanted to be and live.  I’m located in a very nice, beautiful and strategically located near almost anything, thanks to a reliable public transport, in the lovely city of Madrid.  Autumn is barely starting bit chilly in the mornings and evenings, but just perfect the rest of the day.  At the moment I’m cautious, I don’t move entirely freely, since the city is so big, criss cross streets and not having a mobile number yet, so I stay close, for the moment, from my new house.  But as soon as I feel more comfortable recognizing the neighborhood, I will throw myself entirely into the adventures of exploring and discovering this wonderful city and people. 
The second weekend spend over here, we went to the north to San Sebastián, to the family house of my friends or new family over here.  I visited this house the first time I traveled to Europe ... couple of decades ago.  Since I was a quite little my memories of this place where a little bit idealized, for me it was like a Palace at the top of the mountain.  Now my memory is more accurate is a big house in a mountain, indeed, since we arrange to fit 12 people in the house, and now I know is not a Palace, but for the child in my heart it will always be the Palace at the top of the mountain with a splendid view of ¨La Concha¨. (Famous San Sebastián beach front, the Queen and Royalty from whole Europe used to bathe here)  Since the age range of this expedition was big from 5 to 50-ish, the ranges of activities were also diverse.  After a long but very interesting and beautiful drive, we had lunch, a bit of ¨siesta¨(rest or small nap) and then on to the adventure of walking in the city, yes walking all the time to everywhere, so nice and relaxing.  We walk along the beach and also by the old part of the city, with majestuous antique buildings and squares, with a bit of rain.  The next day rained non stop so we decided to go to The Aquarium, and apparently everybody else also thought of doing the same, it was quite full, but also very lovely.  Learn about antique boats, styles of fishing even whale fishing, ¨triadas¨(rowing competitions at sea) and saw many beautiful fish tanks filled with magical underwater sea life.  The last day we went to ¨Monte Higueldo¨ which is a theme park, but that has been frozen in time, with a small wooden roller coaster ¨Montaña Suiza¨ with a lovely view over the coast, bumping cars (they are always a hit) and a house of laugh and mirrors, we had so much fun, all from 5 to 50-ish were 5 again.  

Back into the city, got tangled up in the readings for my classes, lots to read, enough to keep me quite busy, helping around the house, walks around the neighborhood to get acquainted.  I have been so lucky to be able to see three different art exhibitions in just two weeks.  First one from Ghirlandaio and all of those romantic Renaissance paintings, then an exclusive collection of American Art with a photos of John Gutmann, which I enjoyed so much, and to close this marvelous week the lovely Renoir @ El Prado.

Well back to my reading, studying the city and getting use to this New Air…

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Letting go ......... Moving forward

During my last weeks at home without "work".  Me without "work" someone that has worked all the time since I was 18, except on holiday (aka vacation not Christmas) of course.  What I was going to do during all this time, while my visa arrived and the day of my departure.  I felt really lost that last day at work.  But little did I know that destiny and everything else was in divine order.
In the beginning I enjoyed sleeping late and having nothing to do, not really still waking up at 7ish in the morning, but did enjoy staying at home doing what ever I pleased. 
Took some time to share with my special someone, Yasiel, we drove around making some deliveries and had a lot of fun, it has been a while since the last time that I laugh like that, GPS are a FUN thing.  Went away in a long weekend to the west of the island and enjoyed some US time.
Also took some bonding quality time with my family.  Helped my mum to paint her classroom with lazure technique, creating a beautiful eternal sunset.  That will inspire and help her students and she will see and feel me close by her, every day, while I am away, this way she might miss me a little less.  Share very special time with my sis and her kids, good eating, going to the beach, that I will miss so much, walks through the sand, playing with the waves in the shore, and the baby crabs int the rocks. What a lovely days, those are my biggest treasure, I am so loved and blessed, THANK YOU to all for everything.
As the days moved forward the D-day "departure day" came closer and closer, my VISA arrived which I was so happy and exited for, and my reality check came closer and closer. 
The hard work was approaching, letting go.  But letting go of what really.  Well I started with the stuff, all the things that I had got during the years.  I had to learn to let go and with the help of my huge and special angel that I have on earth, my titi.  She guided me, helped me, showed me, so I could learn how to let go.  All that stuff that was just it, stuff, lifeless, in-animated, that I have given life and meaning in my mind, memories and heart, the only place that this stuff gets any real value and in there it doesn't occupy a single inch of space, because there the space is infinite.
But the hardest thing of all was to letting go from the people you love.  My family and friends, sharing with all of you was very special, great and important.  Also for the ones I could not see or talk before leaving all of you accompany me in my heart.
After all this experiences that made me grow a lot in a very little time, letting go made my baggage lighter, (not really, had to pay excess baggage for the first time) but metaphorically it did, and allow me to move forward.


* Pictures for this entry will come soon

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Everything is in perfect divine order...

Yes the time has finally come, I've finished at work and now the time I have left is to start the closure of this part of my life and get ready to commence a new and exiting chapter in my life.  I have got a big suitcase (I am a very practical person and have always traveled with a carry on suitcase no matter how many days, 3, 7, 10, 15) so this was very important, since my initial plan is to live in Europe for the next three years.  I studied art and I know a lot of random stuff and things, but I have always have the gift of teaching and learning, I believe is in my blood, since both of my parents are teachers.  Now I have decided to start my education on becoming a teacher but not just any regular one, no, I will become a Waldorf teacher.  This a method created by Rudolph Steiner after WWI to alleviate the suffering experienced by the children in the war.  Is a method that integrates the three main components of a human being body, soul and spirit.  All this is nurtured with knowledge, art, creativity, music and healthy nurturing food.  This method made a big improvement in the society, when it was definitely mostly needed and I think that today also a big improvement in society is needed, so I will do my share to give a better future to all the generations to come.  This is to my nephew(Rio), my niece(Gia) and my god-daughter(Andrea), I love you all. May my adventure commence and everything will be in perfect divine order.